Saturday, April 30, 2022

Liechtenstein Crypto Stamps

Added the Liechtenstein 4.0 "Blockchain Technology" crypto stamp issued on September 6, 2021. 42,000 perforated stamps and 3,200 imperforate stamps were issued in souvenir sheets. There are 45,200 NFT's associated with these stamps as follows: The Castle (25,000), The Knight (15,000), The Princess (5,000) and The Prince (200). The design by Sereina Hatt illustrates the elements of the blockchain and the transition from the analogue to digital world.

Crypto Stamps Liechtenstein

United Nations Crypto Stamps

Added the United Nations 1.0 crypto stamps issued on November 24, 2020. 90,000 stamps were issued, 30,000 for each office (Geneva, New York and Vienna). The stamps recognize "Sustainable Development Goals" and there are 17 NFT's recognizing a separate goal.

Crypto Stamps United Nations

Croatia Crypto Stamps

Added the three issues of Croatian crypto stamps released in 2020 and 2021 - 1.0 (Transportation), 2.0 (Postal Delivery) and 3.0 (the Rimac Nevera Electric Hypercar). Issue numbers for these stamps were 100,000 for 1.0, 30,000 for 2.0 and 30,000 for 3.0.

Crypto Stamps Croatia

Gibraltar Crypto Stamps

Just added the Gibraltar "Iconic Images" crypto stamp 2.0 issued May 17, 2021. 50,000 of these were issued with two NFT's linked to each stamp, making 100,000 NFT's in total. The NFT's comprise 24 different iconic images from Gibraltar ranging from common (8 images - 7,499 NFT's of each image out of 100,000 NFT's) to mythic rare (2 images - 10 NFT's of each image out of 100,000 NFT's).

Crypto Stamps Gibraltar

Austrian Crypto Stamps

Added a new section for my crypto stamp collection. First up, the Austrian crypto stamp 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 issues from 2019 through 2021.

Crypto Stamps - Austria

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Time to take a break from my stamp collection for the summer! Will post the odd page here and there but will be back at in earnest next season.

US Postage Dues

Scott National Album: added the complete set of US Postage Due stamps issued between 1959 and 1985 with black denominations in stamp centre....